Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My re-lactation experience

Most mommies that I had found claimed that the commonest reason why mommies do not fully breastfeed their babies for longer time is because of short time of milk production. Majority of moms experience breastfeeding up to 3 - 4 months only, especially for working moms.

My personal opinion of why they can succeed the first 3-4 months of breastfeeding is because of their close relation and bonding with their babies during the confinement days (see, this is the biggest clue!). When they get back to work, the production of milk is decreasing day by day due to less time is being spent with the baby, high level of stress and lack of motivation to continue breastfeeding.

I had experienced times whereby I endured shortage of milk supply _ during/because of my trip to Kyoto. Being far away from Aaron for almost 12 days had triggered enough problem for me and my dearie breastfed baby (0_0) --> please feel free to click here for the story behind this -why I have to relactate. Sedih tak sedih, tp sadis jugak laaaa. huhu

But yet, there were things that I'd done to ensure my baby dinosaur can still get my milk.

Re-lactation : rebuilding of one's milk supply after lactation has stopped for a certain period of time. It can also be defined as to induce lactation. (Don't be shock to know that even an adoptive mother can re-lactate in order to produce milk even from where there was none!)

OK, let me jump to the 'what did i do for re-lactation' part first before I add on more facts later on (Before I jauh mengarut daripada tajuk post. Hehe)

1. Avoid stress - Stress is one of a major factor that can deter milk production

2. Rest! - I took few days leaves (ponteng laa senang citer) after I get back from Kyoto. Main reason was to calm my mind so that I can start re-lactation, and also to always get closer to my baby (You may also try to go for holidays or tidur kat hotel ke. Hikhik....bodek la cik abang you)

3.Keep Aaron close to me and encourage him to nurse often... This depends on your baby. Because Aaron is mommy's brat and sangat lah suke breastfeeding, he's the one who ask for it. But if you are trying to re-lactate once after your baby is getting used to bottle feeding, you might find it harder to convince your baby to nurse. But harder doesn't mean you can't. But point nu.3 is very critical to determine whether or not your re-lactation is successful because your baby is the hero in this topic. He plays a main role in re-lactation.

4. Drink lots of fluid! Tak kesah lah sampai nak terpee peee banyak kali pun, asalkan minum lah air banyak

5. Opt for pumping more frequently over lengthening individual pumping session. Maintain a regular pumping schedule. (Many moms pump on one breast while nurses the baby on the other side)

6. Eat healthily...

-Alhamdulillah, my re-lactation project was successful as the first 3-4 days, I couldn't even feel any milk had been produced, but after almost a week of trying, I started to feel more milk production. And finally, after almost 2 weeks trial, I can smile with full of satisfaction as the effort had not gone astray! Yeayewww-

Some other tips that may help re-lactation:
1. Massage
2. Consult any certified lactation consultant. You can also read more info about re-lactation so that you know some other beneficial tips that might help.
3. Supplement/mother's milk tea. A few moms are advised to take milk-inducing hormone
4. Pump after every feeding to stimulate further milk production

Alas Mommies,
Prolactin (milk-making hormone) & oxytocin (milk-releasing hormone) are pituitary (NOT ovarian) hormones. Meaning, milk production is based on supply and demand process. If the brain (pituitary) gain impulses, telling that production of milk is required, than the brain will release those hormones in order to stimulate milk production.

Those hormones are released in direct response to nipple stimulation (i.e massage, breast pump, and baby's nursing). But the most effective way of stimulating more milk production is of course through baby's nursing. So nurse as frequently as possible, build closer bond with your baby and enjoy every moment that is being spent together.

Be patient! You cannot expect your milk will produce over night. It might takes days, or even weeks. Don't be discouraged by mere tiny little drops after weeks of effort.... Always think of a positive side. You've tried your best, and the rest you leave it to Allah. Who knows, those times that you've spent with your baby would be among the most meaningful moments ever.

Look for other positive signs (more tender breasts, nipple changing colour, changes in libido and menstrual cycle, etc) rather than just counting on the performance anxiety, as it will only increase stress and hinder milk production!

Remind yourself that any amount of milk, even a very little one, can still benefit your baby (",)

Aaron Houdd 3 month old... Gumu-gumu Ummi & Daddy!


Friday, December 24, 2010

10 MO baby dinosaur!

22/12/10 = Aaron Houdd's 10 MO.

Pejam celik pejam celik baby dinosaur Ummi dah 10 bulan dah! meaning, dah 10 bulan kita hidup bersama!

Is Aaron Houdd still a baby? Herm... Anak Ummi ni gems gems. (gemuk,gembeng, gembira & gem & gem yang lain2) Kalau tengok saiz badan, rasa mcam dah tak baby sangat dah haaaa... Rindu pulak rasanya dengan Aaron Houdd yang baby, yang montel dan tak tau buat pape kecuali nangis, tido, susu...

Tapi kalau tengok perangai dia... Herm! confirm baby. Sebab tu dia dapat gelaran baby dinosaur! Hehehe (Habis, Ummi ni Ummi dinosaur la ek?)

Kalau tengok baby2 kawan2 yang lebih kurang sebaya Aaron, dorang dah tak macam baby sangat dah. Muka macam dah besar sikit. Rambut dah kasar sikit (dah beberapa kali potong/cukur maybe), dah lasak merangkak ke hulu ke hilir, and maybe dah boleh makan sendiri, makan nasi lembik lagi...

Tapi Aaron Houdd Ummi ni, rambut masih halus2 lagi, macam tu jugak laaa...muka pun masih macam baby. Keje nak ngemping je (nak bergayot kat nenen ummi dia je), merangkak pun tak lagi, kalau nak bergerak dia buat aksi combat. Agak pelik jugakla creeping formation dia...

Tang manja tu takyah citer laaaa... Memang manja yang amat.... Kalau time dia buat salah, contoh dia gigit Ummi dia, nanti bila Ummi dia buat macam marah, mula lah dia buat muka gediks2 dia tu, senuym2 senget2 nak bodek Ummi dia yang tengah marah.... Haih, mana belajar ni Aaron?

Ni la senyuman Aaron kalau tengah nak bodek Ummi dia...

And kalau solat berjemaah, time orang Amin kuat, nanti ada la dia sambut 'Ngaaaaah haaaaa'. Every rakaat of prayer yang ada baca al-fatihah kuat and Amin, dia akan respon. Mula2 dengar tu nak tergelak gak time tengah solat tu... Hehehe...

Tapi, even tough Aaron tak pandai crawl lagi, sekarang anak Ummi ni dah start panjat2. Dia akan berdiri tepi2 sofa or kerusi, coffe table, or tv cabinet dan sbgnya, and dia akan melangkah sedikit demi sedikit... Benda ni dia baru belajar buat last week tapi by this week dah agak laju jugakla... Lola dia cakap, Aaron ni tak merangkak ni, terus jalan lah ni, macam Ummi dia.... Hehehe... Sesetengah orang cakap tak baik kalau baby skip certain steps dalam milestone dia. Ada orang cakap nanti besar buat keje tak pernah habis, ngaji pun tak khatam2.... Tipu je tu. Sebab each baby is individual... Mereka ada cara sendiri untuk membesar... In fact, budak macam ni lagi pandai sebab dia ada strategi yang bagus untuk capai matlamat akhir (berjalan) dengan lebih cepat.... Oopps, too soon to predict Ummi, sebab Aaron ni ikut mood dia. Suka hati dia je nak buat apa...Sebab by right memang dia dah boleh crawl dah. Sebab kadang2 nampak dia crawl sikit2 tapi dia yang tanak....

Aaron Houdd pandai turun katil/sofa ikut cara yang betul. Ini Ummi memang tak pernah ajar tapi dia buat sendiri. Alhamdulillah Aaron tak pernah jatuh katil so far. Sebab dia ni kalau dah bangun tidur,and orang takde, mula lah dia akan bising. Bila tengok, Aaron dah kat penjuru katil. Tapi dia takkan pernah jatuh kan diri ke bawah. Pandai gak budak ni. Dia tunggu je la kat tepi katil tu...Tapi lain pulak ceritanya kalau orang ada. Bila dia tau orang pegang kaki dia and watch him out, dia akan ikut suka hati je melulu. Tapi tak sangka last 3 days dia pandai turun katil/sofa sendiri (kaki dulu)...

Lagi, anak Ummi dah pandai tunjuk kat objek. Cuma lambat sikit la dia tunjuk.... And kalau kita tunjuk kat dia, dia akan pandang ke tempat/objek yang kita tunjuk. Cth, bila cakap "Aaron, look over there, beautiful bird" nanti dia akan pandang kat tempat yang kita tunjuk tuuu...

Aaron's fav:
1. Ummi! Yay, Aaron memang pantang nampak Ummi dia! cayannggggg Aaron!
2.Laptop! hah, memang pantang nampak laptop. Macam tau guna aje
3. Camera... Boleh tahan budak ni.... pandai pulak dia posing depan camera
4. Menguis - nguis objek kecil yang ada kat lantai... Especially kertas! Haih, waktu2 ni memang kena particular betul.... Kalau tak, habes semua masuk mulut Aaron. Agaknye sedap kot rasa kertas... Hehe
5. haiwan. esp cat! kalau dah boleh berjalan besok, habisla kucing2 sekalian menjadi mangsa Aaron Houdd... Dia suke tengok National Geographic, especially episode yang ada prey & predator! Perghhh..
6. Tengok tv, Sesame Street.... Especially lagu ABC
7. Theme songs kat tv. Cth lagu tv3, ntv7 and lagu2 iklan
8. Iklan yang ada budak2... Bersorak riang dia tengok macamlah boleh communicate ngan budak2 kat tv tu
9. Susu Ummi! Hah, yang ni dia tak kisah ada susu ke takde, dia nak jugak!

Aaron Houd Ummi, Baby dinosaur Ummi!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aaron merajuk sebab Ummi tinggal lame!

Malaysia... Tanah Air ku...

Alhamdulillah sudah 2 hari di Malaysia. Tapi rindu pada Aaron Houdd masih belum hilang lagi. Teringat masa saat2 akhir di Jepun. Fikiran memang dah kat Malaysia dah. Dah tak rasa happy pun kat sana sebab hati dok teringat Aaron Houdd aje.

12 Dec, jam 17:05, MH53 telah selamat mendarat di KLIA. Wajah Aaron Houdd semakin kerap terbayang.... Ummi Aaron jalan cepat2 nak jumpa anak.

Sampai je ke balai menunggu, Ummi Aaron nampak satu family datang. Daripada Tok Daddy, sampai ke Ucu. Kawan Ayah Eki si Syafiq pun siap join. Tapi Aaron tak ade. Dah bajet dah mesti dorang sorokkan Aaron ni.

Memang betul!
Aaron telah disorokkan! tapi, akhirnya Ummi berjaya menjumpai Aaron...

Aaron macam mana?
Haaaa.... Anak Ummi ni memang dah besar. Dah pandai. Dah pandai merajuk! Aaron terus nak kat Daddy dia. Tapi TAKNAK Ummi!

Puas Ummi Aaron dok pujuk. Aaron cume tenung je muka Ummi dia. Lepastu dia menangis sepenuh hati bila Ummi dia dukung. Hadoyai! Agak2 apalah yang Aaron fikirkan ekk? Marah sungguh nampaknya sampai bila tengok Ummi je, menangis! Lepastu Ummi Aaron pegang la tangan Aaron. Konon nak ambik dia. Perghhh.... Sekali Aaron tepis tangan Ummi! Memang sungguh2 tak mau. Sungguh2 merajuk.

Ummi Aaron pun bagi lah Aaron masa. Biarlah dia bersedia sendiri. So Aaron pun didukung oleh daddy nya. Nampak dia bermanja2 dengan daddynya. Tapi mata dok tengok Ummi. Bila daddy blocking view Aaron untuk nampak Ummi dia, cepat2 dia carik Ummi dia. Tapi still tak nak Ummi...

Lama jugaklah macam tu. Sepanjang tu dia taknak senyum, taknak ketawa. Semua orang berusaha pujuk Aaron. Sampailah dia dah boleh ketawa and main macam biasa, barulah dia OK. Lepas tu, baru lah dia nak Ummi dia. Sekali dah dapat Ummi, Hah! tak nak lepas!

Ego jugak anak teruna Ummi ni. Marah sangat la tu kena tinggal lama-lama. Iyelah, mesti Aaron paling terasa bila Umminya takde, sebab dia paling rapat dengan Ummi dia.

Perkara pertama yang Ummi dan Aaron buat sama2 adalah susu! Aaron mesti rindu sangat nak mengempeng Ummi dia. Dia susu sampai tertidor!

Hah, itu cerita 2 hari lepas. Daripada Ummi balik Malaysia sampailah saat ni, Aaron tak boleh renggang langsung dengan Ummi dia. Pantang Ummi hilang dari pandangan, mula lah dia gelabah. Agaknye serik bebenor ditinggal lamaa-lama.
Anak manja Ummi tu. Tengok la tue. Bukan main lagi!

Sekarangni, sikit2 nak panjat Ummi dia. Main pun nak Ummi ada sebelah. Pagi tadi bangun tidur Ummi takde kat sebelah, punyalah mengamuk sakan. Bila daddy dia datang ambil and bawak kat Ummi, terus nak Ummi dia and barulah reda...

Belum lagi cerita nak ngempeng je. Sikit-sikit nak susu. Maybe jugakla sebab susu Ummi terus drop macam dah takde susu. Macam dah tak keluar, sebabtu Aaron nak menyusu kerap sangat. Tapi Ummi perasan, Aaron macam tak kisah sangat takde susu. Dia boleh hisap lama2 sampai leka and kadang2 terlelap. Kalau sehari dua before ke Jepun tu dia selalu suke gigit, tapi kalini tak gigit2 pun. OK aje. Anak Ummi ni memang pandai betul! (Ummi dan Aaron sedang berusaha kuat untuk relactate supaya susu keluar semula. Doakan kami berjaya OK)

Ni adalah hadiah teristimewa buat Aaron dari Jepun.
Punya susah nak preserve benda ni. Dapat lah 1 box penuh, Alhamdulillah.Hehe...

Daddy Aaron pulak, balik je dari Jepun terus demam. Ummi balik rumah, tengok rumah macam... Herm... Agak tensi jugak la bila before pergi dapur bersih and tersusun, tiba2 sampai je rumah tengok pinggan mangkuk and cawan2 tidak diletakkan semula pada tempatnya. Kesimpulannya, agak disorganize jugak la. Tu belum lagi bila tengok dalam almari baju dah tonggang terbalik dah... Tepuk dahi lah Ummi. Ingat balik nak rehat, rupenye kena setle banyak benda pulak. Nak buat macam mana, daddy baru first time jadi Mr. Mama... Huhuhu... Tak pelah, bagi kredit kat daddy jugakla sebab berjaya jadi Mr. Mama!


Monday, December 6, 2010

perkhabaran dariKyoto bahagian 2!

Huawwaaaa.... Rindunyer kat budak gemox ni!

List of things yang Ummi Aaron tulis untuk Daddy Aaron before berangkat ke Jepun.Hehehe


Hari ni dah hari ke 4 we are here. Perasaan? Herm... rasa macam dah expert sikit2 la. At least dah boleh tahu nak naik bas apa untuk ke city, ke conference hall, and nak kena naik densha mana untuk ke stesyen2 tertentu..

Tapi, perasaan rindu terhadap family memang menebal. Lebih-lebih lagi Aaron & Daddy Aaron. I think (it's actually I know. Hehe) Daddy Aaron terasa sangat hidup menjadi single father. Maklumlah, selama ni Ummi je yang kene tinggal. Daddy pergi Dubai lah, situ lah, sini lah. Kali ni, biar Daddy Aaron pulak rasa macamner kena tinggal. Amacam, Aci tak? Hehehe (macam dendam je bunyiknyer. Hihi)

Saat-saat akhir bersama Aaron & Daddy nyer...

Kelmarin, kami mempunyai masalah untuk balik ke rumah penginapan dari conference hall. tau pergi, tak tau balik. Yelah, sebab bas kat Kyoto ni ada nombor2 dan siap ada warna2 tertentu. Each no. represents tempat & jalan mana bas tu akan pergi, and each warna represents direction of the bus. Even sama No. bas, tapi warna lain, kalau salah naik, nanti pergi oopsite direction pulak! Masalah utama di sini adalah, tulisannya semuanya tulisan Jepun. Ngak bisa dibaca dong!

Tapi Alhamdulillah, ada sorang minah dari New York yang belajar bahasa & culture di Kyoto ni nampak kitorang macam lost, so dia tolong. Siap bagi contact nu. lagi just in case kitorang sesat or apa2 and perlukan bantuan dia. How nice! Nesh cakap, kat sini orang Jepun tak suka foreigner, tapi among foreigner yang akan tolong sesama sendiri. Herm... that make sense.

Suhu kat sini memang sejuk. Dah winter la katakan. Setakat ni suhu paling minimum adalah 3-4 degree... Macam bukak peti ais and berdiri depan peti je rasanya.Haha... Tapi so far OK la. Enjoy la jugak. Cuma kat sini duit macam air. Beli bateri 1.5V 4 ketul dah cost us JPY 490 (+/_ RM 20++). Tambang subway dengan bas memang tak payah citer lah. Huhuhu...

So, sekarang ni, tinggal 3 hari je nak jumpa Daddy Aaron. Boleh la berlagak nak tunjuk expert kat dia nak tunjuk tempat mana menarik nak pergi. wuhhooooo....

And ingat kalau ada masa lapang nak ajak Daddy Aaron jumpa K.Mas ngan Abg Hariz sekeluarga. Boleh makan2 and sembang2 sebelum pulang ke Malaysia. Hehehe....
K. Mas & Abg Haris (Yang bagi pinjam Pump)

OK, Itu saje buat masa ni. InsyaAllah akan ku update lagi...

Solat ketika conference

Kyumizudera Temple

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Perkhabaran dari Kyoto!

Alhamdulillah, dua hari sudah berada di Kyoto. Hari ini, bangun dengan semangat baru iaitu ingin menguatkan diri, menerima dugaan Allah dengan hati yang tenang.

Suhu di pagi hari lebih kurang 10 - 14 degree, tetapi menurun kepada 7-9 degree pada waktu malam. Sepanjang hari ni, daddy aaron call lebih kurang 3 kali, sebab risaukan isterinya yang jauh di tempat orang. Jangan risau sayang, saya akan jaga diri baik-baik =p

Alhamdulillah, setelah berusaha mencari dan puas bertanya,akhirnya ada sorang kakak yang ada breast pump. So pagi2 Nesh (tuan rumah yang kami tumpang) dah keluar untuk ambil breast pump tu. Tapi by 4pm dah kena pulangkan sebab kakak tu nak pakai. Tak kisahlah, ini pun dah cukup bagus sangat. Kurangla tekanan. Last night, 2jam lebih dalam toilet untuk perah susu keluar secara manual (a bit paksa jugakla sebab dah tersumbat) but nothing much happened. But this morning, dah kurang sikit sebab dapat pump. Thanks banyak2 Kak Mas sebab baik hati bagi pinjam. Padahal kita tak pernah kenal pun kan. Apatah lagi berjumpa. Hanya Allah yang mampu balas jasa akak.

Pagi-pagi lagi kami keluar ke sanjo-dori untuk ke street market. Jumpa Prof dan wawa di sana. Kawan-kawan shopping boleh tahan, tapi disebabkan nak bajet duit takut2 kena beli breastpump baru, so tak berani nak shopping banyak sangat. Tapi sempatlah belikan beberapa barang untuk suami dan adik2. Disebabkan Daddy Aaron akan datang ke sini minggu depan, so malas nak shopping lebih2 dulu. Simpan dulu. Hehe...(Aaron, Ummi dah belikan something untuk Aaron kat Universal Studio semalam. You must gonna likey)

Shopping sambil posing. Peace!

Tengahari, kami dah mula lapar. Me and huda berhenti kat tengah2 capulo sanjo, duduk dekat bangku dan keluarkan bekal masing2. Roti sapu nutella choclate, air kotak dan biskut. OK la buat alas perut. Nak dijadikan cerita, I ada minta tolong one Mat Salleh untuk ambilkan gambar kami. Lepas tolong tu, sempatlah borak2 sikit. Dia bercuti dengan wife rupanya. Tapi dah dapat borak lama sebab dorang nak pi makan. Suddenly, tak sampai 5 minit, Mat salleh tu keluar semula and ajak kami makan sama. Pehhhh.... Kami tak pernah kenal pun! and mereka insist untuk ajak kami makan bersama. Kami pun OK je la. Bukan apa, peluang nak berkenalan dengan lebih ramai manusia...

Rupa-rupanya mereka suami isteri adalah doktor. sorang physiologist, yang wife pulak bahagian orthodontic. Memang menarik. Dalam masa yang terlalu singkat, kami dapat berbual pelbagai perkara. Dapat bertukar2 fikiran dan buat lawak sekali. Dr. John dan wifenya Dr. Julie sangat sporting dan lawak....Habis makan, mereka bayar dan kami berpisah. Just like that. Walaupun perkara ni cuma berlaku sekejap saje, tapi pengalaman ni sangat berharga. Betapa open minded dan baik hati mereka. I think they just cant see us having our lunch like that so they offered to pay for our lunch.

Dr. John & his wife, Dr. Julie

Petang, I browsed thru banyak kedai and carik breast pump. Setelah puas berjalan berbatu-batu (tak tipu, memang jalan tak henti dari pagi sampai petang), akhirnya Alhamdulillah dapat jumpa satu breast pump jenama Medela. Harga Y 9,700. Husband cakap, jangan berkira pasal duit. Sekarang ni yang penting keselamatan dan kesihatan I. So I pun beli. Masa nak beli tu, banyak benda nak tanya ye la sebab memang dah ada breast pump sebelum ni, so kalau boleh alang2 nak kena beli lagi satu ni, biarlah yang jenis lain sikit. Yang upgraded sket ke...Tapi disebabkan mungkin di Jepun ni pump susu tak famous sebab tu susah carik breast pump. Tanya2 orang majority tak tau. so even penjual tu pun tak tau. Disebabkan I sorang nak beli breast pump, 4 pekerja sekali gus melayan I. termasuklah manager. And mereka ambil masa lebih kurang 1 jam just to answer my few questions. Yang jadi lama tu sebab mereka tak tahu apa2 pun pasal breast pump.

Tapi yang I respect pasal orang2 Jepun ni, sebab their willing to help. Dari hari pertama jejak kaki kat sini lagi dah nampak attitude mereka yang positif tu. Kalau tak tahu, sanggup tanya orang2 sekeliling supaya boleh jugak beri jawapan yang kepada soalan kita. Disebabkan masalah komunikasi, so memang payah la mereka nak explain apa2. Tapi mereka sporting betul untuk mencuba menjawab. Mereka sangat baik! Macam kes malam semalam, hujan2 dan tak tahu macam mana nak pergi tempat yang kami nak stay, main selamber tahan teksi. Pakcik teksi tu pulak tak tahu nak carik alamat yang kami nak tuju. Terpaksa call kawan yang memang dok sini, and minta tolong kawan tu cakap ngan pakcik teksi tu untuk tunjuk jalan. Dahla pakcik tu berusaha nak bagi kami sampai destinasi kami, dah sampai tu pulak, dia siap tunggu sampai kawan kami datang jemput. Maybe nak confirm samada betul ke tak tempat tu. Apa pun, kami sangat terharu! Kat Malaysia ada ke macam ni? hehehe
Dalam paper bag biru tu la breast pump baru. huhuhu

Malam, me and huda jalan lebih kurang 2-3 jam untuk ke sebuah temple (tetiba tak ingat nama) yang telah dinobatkan sebagai salah satu daripada world heritage japan. So memang cantik sangat tempat tu and even kepenatan dan kesejukan, tapi kami memang enjoy habis!

Sampai rumah lebih kurang pukul 11 mlm (10 malam waktu malaysia).

Pelajaran penting yang paling memberi kesan kepada I adalah;

Betapa mulianya manusia yang hendak menolong orang lain, apatah lagi orang yang tak pernah dikenali. Harap this will be a turning point for myself untuk lebih menjadi sensible dan murah hati =)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

9 Month old babe

Makan spinach supaya kuat macam poppye!

Alhamdulillah Aaron Houdd dah 9 bulan.... Pejam celik pejam celik dah 9 bulan dah anak Ummi yang seorang ini....

So, apa yang nak di share bersama ekk? Haaaa.... Hair development? Hehehe.... rasanye tak banyak improve pun. Kata orang tue2, time pregnant jangan makan pedas banyak2, nanti anak yang lahir tu, rambut halus-halus and sikit-sikit je. Entahlah, tapi memang masa pregnant Aaron dulu, kuat makan pedas....

Tapi ramai orang kata dia comey dgn rambut gitu. Ala-ala rambut Ipin gitu (Upin & Ipin). Takpelah, ada rambut ke, takde rambut ke, Aaron tetap hero di hati Ummi and Daddy.

Gigi? Haaa... Dah sebatang, senget sikit. Mula tumbuh kat surface pada 2 November 2010. Sekarang ni gigi sebelah pulak nak tumbuh.

Nampak tak gigi saye?

Aaron Houdd dah semakin mengenali orang sekeliling. Dia dah pandai memilih orang. Anak Ummi sorang ni memang mannnjaaaaa sangat dengan Ummi Daddy dia. Tapi dia tak takut orang. Dia suke berkawan. Peramah jugak Aaron Houdd ni. Tak kira awek ke, Abang ke, semua dia suke.

Aaron dah pandai kenal barang dia. Last weekend time kat kenduri kawen cousin, Aaron bergadoh dengan sorang budak perempuan sebab budak tu kacau maknan dan sudu Aaron. Hehehe...

Separation anxiety? Aaron mengalaminye! Pening kepala bila fikir macamner nak tinggalkan dia 2 minggu nanti. Selama ni paling lama pun tak jumpa Ummi dia setakat 2 hari je. Itu pun Ummi dok call2. Ni nanti Ummi dia dah jauh, macam mana agaknye anak Ummi ni? -Entah-entah Ummi yang benrendam air mata, Aaron rilex je. Hehe...

Nak cerita ke bab merangkak? Hehe. Aaron dari 2 bulan lepas dah pandai angkat badan nak buat gaya crawling. Tapi sampai la ni tak crawl pun. Bila nak bergerak, dia turunkan badan balik and creep. Tapi memang dia creep lajuuuuu... Kalah kereta baru daddy yang Ummi beli time besdey.

Tapi badan dah semakin kuat. Duduk pun dah tak bongkok lagi. Dah boleh duduk sendiri (Daripada posisi berbaring) tapi punyalah payah nak tengok dia duduk sendiri. Sekali sekala je dia tunjuk aksi tuh...Alahai...

Apapun, anak Ummi dah kurus sikit! Ramai sangat orang tegur Aaron dah kurus. Dah lasak agaknye ('_')

Nak tahu apa yang buat Ummi Aaron paling tak boleh lupe? Haaaa... Senyuman Aaron yang manis tuuu... Tak percaya? Meh tengok ni;


Monday, November 22, 2010

too much/less sleep in early pregnancy can lead to hypertension in the 3rd trimester

OK moms! this is a very quick sharing moment about somethin' I've found just now. (Nak carik info untuk buat presentation kat Jepun nanti, alih-alih terjumpa benda alah ni)

Briefly, its about how your sleeping pattern influence your health during the end of your pregnancy. The article is too long and too scientific blah blah blah, so I just make it short OK.

According to a paper published in the journal of SLEEP, (I wonder there's such name for a scientific journal) getting too little (less than 5-6 hours) or too much (more than 10 hours) of night sleep in early preggy is associated with elevated blood pressure in the 3rd trimester. The study suggests that improving prenatal sleep hygiene may provide important health benefits.

Not only that, the study also found an association between sleep duration and preeclampsia (a condition that involves preggy-induced hypertension along with access protein in the urine). Moms who have nightly sleep less than 5 hours during their early pregnancy have 10x higher risk of preeclampsia.

The study suggests a consistant sleeping pattern for preggy mom, and also for women who are planning to become pregnant. There's some tips;

  • Establishing a consistent sleep schedule
  • Following a relaxing bedtime routine
  • Creating a comfortable sleep environment
  • Keeping technological distractions such as the TV and computer out of the bedroom
  • Eating at least two to three hours before bedtime
  • Exercising regularly during the day
  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime and giving up smoking.

Alhamdulillah, even I dont have enough sleep masa preggy dulu, tapi blood pressure OK. tp for kawan2 yg masih preggy, better jaga lah kesihatan so that we lower the risk of any complications during and after pregnancy.

Arghhh... masa dah suntuk, get back to work! -LOL-


Saturday, November 20, 2010

9 plus 1 medicine you shouldn't give your baby

Salam to all,
Sorry I kinda busy lately I couldn't afford to update my blog. But this is something that *I think* is very important to share.... (Herm, I nie semua important. Ahaks)

9 medicine you shouldn't give your baby (Source from, and other few health articles)

1. Aspirin
Aspirin is not good for your baby. It can lead to Reye's syndrome. Other name of Aspirin is salicylate or acetylsalicylic acid. Some/many drugs contain aspirin, so please ask the Doctor/pharmacist every time you prescribe medicines for your baby.

2. OTC cough & cold medicine
Over the counter (OTC) drug is basically a medicine that you can buy directly from the counter/pharmacy without doctor's prescription. OTC drugs don't normally help to treat cold/cough for baby. They somehow can lead to other problems such as rashes, drowsiness, upset stomach, and as severe as fasten heartbeat. OTC drug can easily be given to kids with a wrong dosage.

3. Anti-nausea medications
This medication is not necessary to your baby because most babies can handle vomiting problem by themselves. This problem is normally for temporary only. Let the body handle it naturally...

P/s: keep on breastfeed your baby and make sure your baby get enough liquid. If this problem happens to your bigger kid (vomiting & diarrhea), you might wanna consider giving your kid ORS to counter the dehydration problem.

However, if severe symptoms happen, and baby begins to get dehydrated, please contact your baby's paed.

4. Adult medications
I don't think a wise parent would give their baby an adult's medication. For sure the dosage of the medicine is not age and size appropriate to the baby. Furthermore, the content of the medication might not be suitable for a baby.

5. Any medication prescribed for someone else or for another condition
Prescribed medications means that the drugs are designed for a specific condition only. They are not a universal drug that can treat many illnesses (there's nothing like that). Giving your baby a prescription drugs intended for someone else or other illnesses might not just be ineffective, but also could lead to other severe problems. Give her only medicine prescribed for her and her specific condition.

6. Anything expired
Expired drugs may no longer be effective and can even be harmful. You have to check the date, and also the colour of the drugs. Get rid of discoloured or crumbly medicine. Most importantly, be alert on the drug's label!

7. Extra acetaminophen
Some medicines contain acetaminophen to help ease fever and pain. Beware not to give your baby an additional separate dose of acetaminophen. Giving your baby either ibuprofen or acetaminophen or switch between both two back and forth is OK but you MUST take note on the dosage and your baby's condition. To be safe, don't give your baby this two medicines unless with a proper dosage or by the paed's recommendation.

8. Chewables
Chewable tablets i.e pills are not suitable for babies. Unless your baby has already eating solid, you can crush the tablets and mix it in your baby's food. But you have to make sure your baby takes all the food so that he can get the right dosage of the medicine.

P/S: I still think giving tablet to baby is not good.

9. Chinese herb ma huang (ephedra or ephedrine)
Herbal products may be safe to adults but not to babies. Most of herbal products (even they are derived from natural products) have adverse side effects. They might cause allergic reaction, high blood pressure and liver damage.

Herbal remedies are not a good choice for baby as the dosage might not be suitable. Wrong combination or mix medications can lead to other problems and might also be fatal. Please consult the paed's before you go on to any herbal products.

10. Don't ask for Antibiotic every time your baby is sick (tambah sendiri)
OK. point no. 10 I add it myself. You know, our culture is always if you sick, you must take medicines. The more medicines you eat, the better!

It's wrong! Most common illnesses like flu, cough, etc can be treated naturally. Our body can produce immune system to fight those illnesses. We just need to trust our body, give sometimes to recover. Same goes to our baby.

And not all illnesses can be treated with antibiotic! Those illnesses that is not caused by bacteria cannot be treated by antibiotic. Flu is one of the illness that is not cause by bacteria. It is caused by a virus named influenza. So if your baby has flu, never ask for antibiotic. In fact, don't ask for any medicine because your baby can fight it himself!

Having so much antibiotic can lead to antibiotic resistance. This means, more dosage or stronger type of antibiotic is required each time your baby really need it for the next time because the normal dosage won't kill the bacteria any more. It sounds dangerous isn't it? It IS dangerous!

We don't have to be a doctor to know about health facts. We just have to be a wise mother who know exactly what our baby's essential needs. Do a lot of readings and it will ease ourself. At least, when our baby is sick, we know what to do. We moms are always our baby's first doctor.

12 Nov 2010
Uni Malaya


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cerita 'Eidul Adha Aaron Houdd...

Assalamu'alaikum kawan-kawan.
Yesterday was my first time of 'Eidul Adha celebration in my life. The feeling? Wohooo, it was tremendously awesome!

Early in the morning, I woke Ummi up (read carefully. Hehehe). We were already late coz what I heard last nite was we were supposed to wake up earlier. Thank God I woke them up. Otherwise, we might just having our eid by hearing takbir from the tv. Herm.... I am a good child am I? =p

Ummi was so gelabah preparing everything in a short time but she managed to succeed (I think when we become a mom, we'll be a superhero and can afford to do everything in one shot!)

Finally, we reached Masjid Negeri, just the time the muslims were about to pray. I followed Ummi upstairs to the muslimah section. The mosque was crowded and that was cool!

Ummi went to the end of the saff and put me beside her and she prayed. Just like that! I didn't quite really sure what to do so I just played with some stuffs Ummi brought from home. But I was bored so I kacau-kacau Ummi by tarik-tarik her jubah. She did nothing to respond! So I creep in front of her, intended to pass the other muslimah whom were also praying. But, Ummi took me back to her side and continue praying. It was quite fun so I did that several times and each time Ummi took me up and put me back to my place and she just continue praying until the end. Hehe...

After that, there was a sermon given by the imam. I didn't really listening to that coz I was busy playing with my new girl friend. She was an expectorate from India. But it took a few moments only coz I got tired and sleepy. Ummi breastfed me while listening to the sermon while I was enjoying myself on her lap, and Zzzzzz....

I woke up when I suddenly felt the heat of the sun burning my face. Oh, I was already outside the mosque. As usual, Ummi (the camera freak) took few pictures of us. Oh, and there was Maher Zain in the mosque (I dont know him, does he knows me?) coz I heard Ummi and Daddy was talking about him. But he had quite a nice voice, he did salawat after the prayer end.

Just woke up from sleep...

A beautiful water fountain I was looking at

Ummi and me
* I make a poyo face in all photos so that I look more macho*

After that, we went to nenek's house. I saw 5 cows waiting to be slaughtered. Dadddy told me the story of Prophet Ismail and his daddy Prophet Ibrahim. Then, I played with my nenek and aunties. I slept less because Auntie Shida sneezed aloud it woke me up! Phewww. Hehehe... But I enjoyed myself there.

Then, we went to Tok Daddy's house coz Daddy wanna go to KLIA to send his friend to Dubai. As usual, I got myself pampered by all the aunties! You see, if I grow up as a spoil brat, it is because so many people spoilt me! (I kinda likey anyway. Heeee)

OK, there is one story about Tok Daddy I wanna share. I heard Ibu and Ummi was gossiping about Tok Daddy so I just curik dengar.

This year the surau nearby Tok Daddy's house only got 1 cow to be qurban. So there was not enough meat to give to everybody. At first, Tok Daddy got his part. But he gave away his part to other people and just take the tulang-tulang yang orang dah tak nak and brought back home. He said, "Maybe this is the rezeki that we have for this year and we should be thankful. There are other people who need the meat more than we do"

After few hours, Tok Cik Cham (one of Tok Daddy's big bro) came and gave one kilo of meat to Tok Daddy. He said it was from one neighbour who did the qurban just among their family members (not at the surau). And after that, Ayah Asz (one of my uncle/my mom's cousin) came and gave another half kilo of meat. He said it was from the other neighbour. So all together we have had 1 1/2 kilo of meat, plus the bones!

See, the rezeki is all from Allah... Alhamdulillah...
Qurban means sacrifice. Eid Adha doesn't only mean we must have a big portion of meat. It means much more than that!

Huarghhh.... I'm sleepy now and that's all for today's sharing moment.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy Aaron

Hai Kawan-kawan!

Hari ni, 15/11/2010, adalah hari ulang tahun kelahiran Daddy Aaron yang ke 26... Bak kata daddy, sekarang barulah dia sebaya dengan Ummi!
Ummi kate 'Chettt, mau mengaku diri dia tu lebih muda lah tue'

Harini Daddy Aaron cuti! and by right, mengikut plan, Ummi kate memang ada suprise untuk daddy. Tapi disebabkan ada beberapa perkara penting yang perlu diselesaikan segera dan mengambil masa kitorang selama 1 hari, suprise dibatalkan! Huhuhu...

Ummi kate 'Sorry Daddy Aaron! maybe later or next time'

Kira-kira, hari ni pun penat sama macam hari-hari biasa. Stuck dekat jamm, sampai area shah alam dah lepas maghrib, etc...

Dahla last weekends sat-sun berhujung minggu di lab temankan Ummi buat labworks dari pagi sampai lewat malam, tengok-tengok hari ni cuti pun macam tak cuti. Huhuhu. Tapi Ummi lebih kesian. Struggle nak siapkan kerja dia.

Tapi walau macam mana pun, family kami tetap celebrate birthday daddy! Tok Daddy kan, macam biasa lah, since mama aaron pun dah balik bercuti dari asrama, and semua orang ada, so Tok Daddy pun apa lagi, announce dekat satu family untuk celeb birthday Daddy.

Disebabkan hari bekerja, kita celeb biasa2 je di area berdekatan... Tapi memang syok la sebab gather satu family (rutin family, everytime birthday one of the famly member, celeb dengan MAKAN-MAKAN! Yay! Aaron pun makan mushroom soup.Yummy!)

Lepas makan, balik lah!
Tapi Ummi ada buat satu lagi suprise untuk daddy. Ummi kate, even taklah se grand original surprise, at least ada lah something... Huhuhu...(Ummi, tu macam ayat cover je. Hehe)

Atas meja ada satu gedebuk hadiah!
Daddy pun tersipu-sipu and mengcover macho buat-buat biasa je sambil menyembunyikan kegumbiraannya...

Bila dia bukak je hadiah tu, dia pun tersenyum-senyum....
Mana tak nye, dia dah usha dah benda-benda macam tu sejak beberapa bulan. Tapi tak beli-beli sebab Ummi tak bagi sokongan moral.

Ummi kate 'semua tu membazir je'
Aaron rasa cool apa, tak membazir pun. Tapi Ummi tak gang daddy. Aaron gang daddy!
Tapi tak sangka Ummi belikan jugak salah satu daripada target yang daddy nak miliki.

Aaron dah target nak take over hadiah daddy tue. Maybe daddy kena consider yang hadiah tu sepatutnya lebih sesuai untuk Aaron. Lagipun Aaron kan daddy's son....

Daddy, sharing is caring kan kan kan?!

Tenkiu! =)

Sape lebih laju?
Nah, amek kau! (Habes la kereta baru daddy!)
Ni macam Aaron punye. Ni mesti Ummi salah beli hadiah ni.
Sedang fikir taktik nak menghakmilik kan hadiah daddy


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parenting Books....

I'd bought these two books for myself. Before this tak pernah ada buku yang tells specifically about Parenting except for buku 'Mama saya lapar' written by Wardina Safiyyah. Selama ni dok beli magazines je. Tp actually ada banyak sangat buku yang menarik untuk dibeli... Usha punya usha, akhirnya beli lah jugak.... (Dah 3-4 kali dok keluar masuk MPH tu baca buku yg sama.Suke hati je. Hehe)

But as of now, for parenting book, I dah pilih dua buku ni. Christmas discount lagi.
So far bile belek2 buku ni and sempat baca sikit2, menarik and boleh menambah ilmu....

Jom review sikit apa yang menarik tentang buku ni;

1. Reading to Your Baby: Techniques That Bring Language Alive for Your Little Ones (Author: Allison L R Davies)

Reading has a vital place in a baby's development as it's essential for building communication and literacy skills. It's also hihgly pleasurable for both parent and baby , enabling bonding, the happy use of time spent together and having fun with words. Insights into the benefitd of reading to you baby from an early age Techniques such as painting pictures with words and employing facial expressions, hand gestures and soft toys to bring stories alive Suggestions on what to read at each page Advie on using bedtime storytelling to promote a good night's sleep Ways of getting your baby to engage with a story and how books can teach "good" behaviour and cope with unexpected Storytelling games and activities for parties or groups of children Guidance in creating your own tales, using people and events fimiliar to your child

2. The Wonder Years: The Essential Guide to Child Development for Ages 0-5
(Author: Platt, Dr Martin Ward)

The most authoritative and up to date information available on development Pinpoints the vital clues that development is proceeding normally or when help may be needed Intractive parent-child activities that help you monitor and promote your child's development Information on recognizing and aiding children with special needs-from ADHD, autism and learning disabilities, to those who are gifted Dozens of illustrations, chartsmand photographs make the process of development come to life

Sape2 yg rasa nk memilikinya, better beli online kot (MPH) sebab harga lagi murah.
Sekian, terima kasih....

p/s: Buku-buku lain yang menjadi target untuk dimilikii,
Letter to my elders in Islam - Dr. Jerald Dirks
Safe haven - Nicholas Spark
The Confession - John Grisham
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney (full/complete set punye. movie dah khatam dah)
Room - Emma Donoghue

*Harap-harap fulus mengizinkan. Hehehe


Monday, November 1, 2010

Aaron Houdd in the Interfaith Dialogue

Yesterday we went to UPM for an Interfaith Dialogue. Aaron's daddy was invited to be the moderator for the dialogue. Since he was born, it was the 4 to 5th Interfaith Dialogue his daddy'd been invited as a moderator, but was the first time we brought Aaron Houdd to such event. Before this, we were afraid he would 'sabotage' the program by making his own 'performance' at the back. Surely we knew he'd be the center of attention to everyone, especially the girls ('',)

Honestly, I was afraid if that thing happens during the event. Since that was the first time for Aaron, we didn't know his behavior so far. But I gambled myself to take it as a challenge. It's either I'll be in the hall, or out....

I prayed and pleaded to Allah to help us take care of Aaron so that he'd behave.....

Aaron and his imaginations ;p

And Alhamdulillah, he was in a very excellent manner right from the start. He was so active (as usual) but I already expected that. But as long as he didn't scream, its OK for us.

Cume, tangan Ummi dia lenguh sebab dukung dia once he fell asleep. Couldn't put him into his stroller coz everytime people clapped their hands, he'd woke up....

This time, he sat at the back, watching his daddy on the stage. When he grow older, he'll be the audience who ask questions. Later, he'll be a moderator for the event, and finally, he'll become a speaker, to present about Islam. InsyaAllah, ganti Bro.Shah (or should I say Atuk Shah now. Hehe) yang dah veteran tu. Hehehe

Anyway, you did a good job my son. Thank you so much. XOXO from Ummi! Muahhhhh!

Edited on 4/11/10 (uploaded photos)--> Aaron's Daddy

Aaron's daddy and buddhist speaker

Aaron's daddy and Bro. Shah

Peace Be Upon You (",)

Peace Be Upon You (",)

Tribute to all mothers in the world!