Often hear that parents have to beware of whatever they want to utter, especially in front of the children... coz children learn from what they hear and see, and mostly from their everyday people around them?
Hah, I couldn't agree more....
Often when we're in the middle of conversation, the two of us, the daddy and the ummi talking, suddenly, there's small voice repeating after ours... Not all words of course, but surprisingly he hits the key words only... :D
And since-I-don't-remember, he sometimes calls us Yanggg (abbrev. for Sayang), especially after a few attempt of calling and we don't answer/appear.... Or sometimes he just calls us that way whenever he likes.
رَبَّنا هَب لَنا مِن أَزواجِنا وَذُرِّيّاتِنا قُرَّةَأَعيُنٍ وَاجعَلنا لِلمُتَّقينَ إِمامًا
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The 21st months. Another 3 months to go
Dear Aaron Houdd,
Do you remember the day when I was eating my yogurt for lunch and you came to me and took the balance yogurt and smeared it over my face and my hair?
And than you said "Haasem" (handsome) to me...
And so I paid you back, smudged your nose with the yogurt, and your cheeks, and your forehead.
And you said "Haasem", this time referring to yourself....
We both had our best giggles together.
It was a fun day wasn't it?
-- These days, there are only the two of us around most of the time. And we have become a good teammate. Thank you for giving me all the mess, following me to everywhere, and 'helping' me with the chores...
And thank you for always be there for me, for good and for bad.
Thank you for being my best friend
Happy 21 month old Aaron Houdd...
Do you remember the day when I was eating my yogurt for lunch and you came to me and took the balance yogurt and smeared it over my face and my hair?
And than you said "Haasem" (handsome) to me...
And so I paid you back, smudged your nose with the yogurt, and your cheeks, and your forehead.
And you said "Haasem", this time referring to yourself....
We both had our best giggles together.
It was a fun day wasn't it?
-- These days, there are only the two of us around most of the time. And we have become a good teammate. Thank you for giving me all the mess, following me to everywhere, and 'helping' me with the chores...
And thank you for always be there for me, for good and for bad.
Thank you for being my best friend
Happy 21 month old Aaron Houdd...
How to enjoy yummy cornflakes, by Aaron Houdd
Last night, as I was reading my journal for a good 5 minutes (or maybe less?), Aaron Houdd suddenly came and spilled his chicken porridge over my lappy's keyboard.... I was perplexed and almost went nuts!
Than, just after that, he did something else....
I was so exhausted... and couldn't take any more pressure (Imagine now that your laptop is so messy)... I just let him enjoy whatever he was doing....
And than, decided to just enjoy the moment, took it as one of his learning process, I ended up making a video out of the chaos....
And the video is specially dedicated to my family members, especially those who always ask me to upload more photos and videos of Aaron Houdd (like everyday asking me to do that, OK! hehe)....
To Tok Daddy, we know you may geleng kepala and cakap Ummi Aaron tak senonoh and all, but that's the point! Hahaha.... Chillax and peace! :)
So enjoy!
Oppsss.. Don't worry, so far Aaron sihat walafiat and tak sakit perut ke apa.... hehe.
Dua gambar kat atas tu Aaron amek sendiri, dia tekan self-timer kot. Hahaha.... self obsession, like who? (Daddy, sila jawab.haha)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Macam mana cara berpantang yang sebenar?
Aaron 12 days old. Kitorang jalan2 makan angin and balik S.Alam sekejap time ni. Keesokan harinya dia menjadi budak botak! |
So question here: Kalau tak pantang macam mana nak sembuh? habislah nanti bentan!
And terus teringat one famous claim yang selalu I dengar: Muda-muda boleh la tak jaga, nanti dah tua haaa, baru lah sakit itu ini....
So here's another question: How is the real confinement anyway?
Selalunya kalau bercerita pasal berpantang ni akan ada dua kategori: Cara modern and cara tradisional. And kedua2 cara ni memang opposite.
Ada yang cakap cara modern yang betul, tapi kalau kita orang melayu and duduk kat Malaysia, kebanyakannya akan cakap cara tradisional adalah yang terbaik.
Tapi sebelum pergi kepada detail and tentukan cara mana paling betul, kita tau ke apa dia cara pantang modern, apa pulak cara pantang tradisional?
OK I bukan seorang doktor, bukan jugak seorang mak bidan. And I cuma baru ada 1 kali pengalaman melahirkan anak. So kalau rasa apa yg I cakap ni salah or tak suka...Tak apa :)
Personally, I paling tak suka kalau orang suka banding2kan cara mana yang modern atau tradisional. Kalau kita buat something yang orang rasa pelik, than akan ada yang cakap "Itu cara modern. Orang muda, mana tau. Nanti dah tua bila dah sakit2 badan barulah rasa"
Kalau kita ikut benar2 cara tradisional pulak, nanti ada pulak yang menyapa "Aduh kau ni, kolot sungguh. Zaman sekarang benda2 ni semua mengarutlah!"
Seolah-olah ada 1 je cara yang betul.
Melahirkan anak adalah satu perkara yang besar. Apatah lagi kalau czer, operation yang dilakukan tu adalah major operation tau. Incision site tu besar (bayanglah boleh bawak keluar sorang baby, tak besar?)
Bagi I, tak kisahlah apa yang kita nak buat, cara apa nak guna, paling penting biarlah benda tu ada dasarnya, ada objektif dan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk badan kita. Tak kisah la cara tu orang nak kata modern ke tradisional ke...
Perkara paling penting yang kena ambil kisah adalah the healing process itself. Besalin menggunakan banyak tenaga. Kalau yang normal tu nak meneran nya... Pehhh... and nak tahan sakit tu pun memerlukan kekuatan dalaman yang memenatkan jugak kan? So haruslah kita kena REHAT secukupnya sejurus lepas bersalin dan ambil makanan yang BERKHASIAT untuk proses pemulihan dalaman dan luaran.
I rasa semua orang patut faham yang during pantang memang kena banyak REST. Sebab simple je. Nak pulihkan tenaga, and sebenarnya along the way kita berpantang tu dah cukup memenatkan sebab nak take care of diri sendiri yang belum betol2 sembuh and baby. Kalau dapat hire assistant or nany pn OK juga. Tapi siapa kata kalau berpantang kena duduk je, baring je? Uih, mana nak cepat baik macamtu?
I dulu masa 2nd day doktor dah suruh bangun and belajar berjalan. I think this is a normal procedure utk c-sect mom. And kena bersenam jugak sikit2. Baru badan tak rasa letih tak tentu pasal. And not only me, I think zaman sekarang ramai orang berpantang sendiri je. Masak sendiri, jaga anak sendiri, basuh baju sendiri.... Cuma standard la buat sikit2 and ikut termampu je la. Dah awak pun jalan slow motion je nak setle cepat macam mana ye tak? Hehe... Schedule fleksible....
Kalau ikut doktor, semasa dalam pantang memang kena minum banyak air. Sebab 1) taknak badan dehydrate. Nanti lebih letih 2) Nak menyusukan baby kan? kenalah minum air supaya susu pun boleh keluar 3) Mengelakkan sembelit. Bayanglah dah sakit bersalin, sembelit lagi. Oh no!
And than, doktor selalu akan nasihatkan supaya makan makanan yang kaya dengan protein untuk pembentukan dan pemulihan tisu dan sel. Protein base product terbaik adalah dari sayuran dan sumber daging putih. Kalau nak makan daging lembu pun OK. Tp kalau tak bersalin pun semua tau daging putih lebih sihat dan mudah cerna...
Jangan skip sumber nutrisi tertentu semata2 kerana takut jahitan tak baik atau luka lambat sembuh. Masa zaman I kecik dulu I tengok my auntie berpantang makan nasi kosong, ikan bilis goreng and kuah sayur. Aduh, 60 hari makan macam tu je. Oh no!
I faham ada orang cakap makanan sejuk la panas la. I pernah tanya O&G. dia tanya I balik "u ni ada keturunan cina ke? org cina yg selalu ada byk pantang larang, makan sejuk la panas la, fengshui la"... and then dia cakap lagi benda ni is subjektif. kalau nk cakap dari segi saintifik, kalau cth tembikai tak boleh makan sebab sejuk - tembikai mengandungi gula (fruktose etc). ayat mudah, gula akan menjadi sumber tenaga dlm badan. penghasilan tenaga (energy) akan melibatkan pembebasan haba.
I ambil jalan tengah, as I am a scientist I memang tak deny la apa yg doktor ni cakap. cumenye mungkin ia juga bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri. sebab setiap manusia ni unik kan? mungkin ada faktor lain seperti paras kesihatan kita secara umum, penyakit2 lain seperti diabetis ke, darah tinggi ke, sakit saraf/sendi, apa2 infection ke, apa2 lah... atau pun thap toleransi kita terhadap sesuatu bahan makanan - allergy etc. So still, ia bergantung kpd individu. I think seorang individu yg sihat wal'afiat (in general), tiada masalah untuk mengambil makanan2 yang sihat, bersih dan halal kerana tubuh badannya mampu bertoleransi dgn baik. Yang menjadi masalah adalah bila kita makan makanan yg tak sihat (preservatives, colouring, etc) atau tidak seimbang (cth terlebih herbs yg menyebabkan seseorang tak tahan -panas badan, cirit birit, etc atau lebih gula,garam etc). Jangan lupa pengambilan herbs/spices yang sihat juga boleh menjadi mudharat sekiranya ia diambil pada paras yg berlebihan atau tidak disertakan dgn gizi lain. So kalau nak selamat daripada terlebih ambil herbs/spices, yg pd awalnya mungkin boleh mengeluarkan angin dan melegakan badan, better la kita tidak lupakan nutrisi2 dari sumber yg lain.
I ambil jalan tengah, as I am a scientist I memang tak deny la apa yg doktor ni cakap. cumenye mungkin ia juga bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri. sebab setiap manusia ni unik kan? mungkin ada faktor lain seperti paras kesihatan kita secara umum, penyakit2 lain seperti diabetis ke, darah tinggi ke, sakit saraf/sendi, apa2 infection ke, apa2 lah... atau pun thap toleransi kita terhadap sesuatu bahan makanan - allergy etc. So still, ia bergantung kpd individu. I think seorang individu yg sihat wal'afiat (in general), tiada masalah untuk mengambil makanan2 yang sihat, bersih dan halal kerana tubuh badannya mampu bertoleransi dgn baik. Yang menjadi masalah adalah bila kita makan makanan yg tak sihat (preservatives, colouring, etc) atau tidak seimbang (cth terlebih herbs yg menyebabkan seseorang tak tahan -panas badan, cirit birit, etc atau lebih gula,garam etc). Jangan lupa pengambilan herbs/spices yang sihat juga boleh menjadi mudharat sekiranya ia diambil pada paras yg berlebihan atau tidak disertakan dgn gizi lain. So kalau nak selamat daripada terlebih ambil herbs/spices, yg pd awalnya mungkin boleh mengeluarkan angin dan melegakan badan, better la kita tidak lupakan nutrisi2 dari sumber yg lain.
Oh ye siapa cakap dalam pantang boleh makan APA SAHAJA? heheh... Dah awak sakit kan, kenalah jaga makan jugak...
Pantang pertama, kalau kita hidup memang ada alergik, so time pantang elakkan lah makan apa yang kita alergik tu. Contoh I tak boleh makan seafood macam udang and sotong, and setengah2 ikan macam ikan kembung. Kalau makan nanti naik gatal2. So time pantang I elakkan makan tu semua. Sesetengah orang alahan benda lain macam kerang, kekacang, etc. Up to individual.
I elakkan makan yang berminyak and kolestrol tinggi.. Ala, kesimpulannya, kalau nak tau makanan tu berkhasiat ke tak, makan macam kalau kita sihat tapi nak maintain diet seimbang and taknak gemuk.
Ada orang cakap elok makan ikan haruan ketika pantang esp czer sebab nak bagi luka cepat sembuh. I memang the first 2 weeks I makan ikan haruan je. Yg fresh lagitu! Maybe sebab kandungan protein dia very high kot. And I was told that ikan haruan ni dia ada 1 kelebihan. klu kita pancing dia, terlepas dari kail, dia boleh lompat masuk balik dlm sungai (susha mati). Mungkin due to very high protein content plus other hormones/enzymes yg ada pg ikan tu... Kalau korang dok ovesea makanlah ikan lain, takkan nak carik ikan haruan jugak. Susah kot. Ayam? Ayam pun sumber protein yg baik (daging putih kan). Tapi ramai orang tak bagi makan ayam sbb takut gatal ke apa. I think chicken is not the problem. I makan ayam hari ke3, makanan hospital. OK je.. tp maybe kalau betul ayam tu bg ruam ke, gatal ke apa, samada kita yg alergik ngn ayam, or ayam tu ayam suntik yg kita mungkin tak tahan dgn effect nya. Ayam kampung ok kot (ceruk mana nk carik?).
I think kalau orang cakap jgn minum ais, jgn makan pedas, jgn makan yang angin2, no harm kalau kita ikut. Sbb by nature pun memang those things are not good untuk kita consume. Ais, tak elok kan. pedas tu takut perut memulas kan susah nak ke toilet semua...baby pun kesian...*I ada pengalaman 2 kali demam sebab breast bengkak susu terlalu banyak sebab 1)I minum air sejuk-even no ais kat mcD 2) I gi tengok wayang ngn hubby masa hari ke 35 kot, panggung tu sejuk sangat and air pun sejuk that is why bengkak and demam. So it's a big NO for me on taking ice.hehe*
Other than that I tak berapa strict sangat. Generally, asalkan I rasa benda tu OK in term of nutrition, hygiene and taste of coz, I akan makan. Tapi I bukan nya main ikut suka je. I puas tanya my OnG specialist, and a few kawan2 yang doctor tentang apa yg boleh and tak boleh di makan. In fact, one of my friend, she's a doctor and time pantang dia makan kari ayam. Oh dia pun czer jugak. Hahaha.... I tak la makan kari ayam sebab tak suka kari, bersantan and susah kot nak masak kari ayam. Simple2 sudah.Hehe...
one of my fav during confinement: Pasta salad. |
Tu bab makan... Bab berurut, bengkung and tungku?
I rasa tak salah. Asalkan kena pada cara. Yelah, bukan selalu dapat pergi SPA. Silap2 kalau tak bersalin tak dapat merasa orang urut2 badan kita. Tapi sesetengah doktor tak galakkan urutan yang menyakitkan. Sebab boleh jadi worse. Maybe ambil jalan tengah, urutlah tapi jangan yg sampai badan sendiri tak boleh take it. Boleh ke mcmtu? Hehe...
Bengkung ke tak pun bergantung. I masa 2nd day dah pakai girdle. And tell you what, rasa perut lagi ketat and secure. And paling penting kurang rasa sakit sebab kurang gegaran. Ini pun atas nasihat my OnG specialist. I rasa kalau nak mudah, tak payah la pakai yang kain ela panjang2 sape nak tolong ikatkan ye tak? zaman skarang ramai yang pantang sendiri jek, tak de dah mak bidan datang umah.... Pastu agak2 dah baik luka, pakai je korset kan senang. Hehe...
Tungku tu orang cakap nak bagi angin keluar. I tak sure. Tapi kalau nak buat sedap badan, rileks, memang OK lah...haha. Kan dah cakap time ni lah nak manjakan diri. Hehe...
Bab pakai pilis kat kepala, benda ni most ppl yang pakai cakap kepala rasa ringan sebab kurang angin. I dulu tak sempat carik so tak pakai. Tapi one of my problem masa dalam pantang dulu is memang I rasa angin kat kepala. Tak best. Hehe... My late grandma dulu, sapa2 sakit kepala dia memang akan buat pilis. My dad pun penah pakai pilis tu. Hehe...
Jamu and pil, some doctors mmg tak galakkan due to content dia sometimes tak jelas. And most docs and paeds tak bg ambil jamu kalau kita breastfeeding. Alah, I tak makan jamu pun Alhamdulillah sihat. Berat badan sama macam before pregnant. Kalau gemuk pn sbb suke makan malam2. Bukan sbb tak makan jamu. I lebih sayang anak daripada nak cantik. Hehe
So I rasa takde timbul isu tradisional or modern. I tak faham bila doktor cakap benda yang boleh dan tak, bila kita ikut cakap doktor ada jugak orang akan cakap "Doktor tu mana tau, dia modern" I terfikir jugak habis kalau doktor pun tak tau, even dia doktor pakar, so sapa lebih tau? takkan banker, takkan photographer?
And biasa orang akan cakap time pantang kalau tak jaga betul2 nanti tua sakit2 badan. I totally agree. Silap2 lambat baik. Tapi 'jaga' tu dalam konteks yang betul lah. And kalau nak sihat, bukan time pantang 40-60 hari je kena jaga, pastu lepas pantang makan apa sahaja and tak bersenam. Bajet boleh sihat tubuh badan sampai umur 70 tahun? Silap2 sakit jantung... Point is, kalau nak sihat, kena jaga makan and lifestyle every day!
Kadang2 kalau kita buat kerja rumah time berpantang, orang cakap macam tak syang badan and modern. Tapi kadang2 orang yang cakap tu daripada bercakap apa kata tolong kita buat kerja rumah. Hehe... Kita pun suka kalau ada assistant ye tak.
And I think ni bukan soal sayang badan atau tak. I think maybe kita beruntung sebab masyarakat kita ni jenis yang 'menjaga' and 'concern'. Tapi tak semua orang ada peluang nak manjakan diri betul2 time pantang. Life must go on maa. I just imagine kalau kita dok negara orang, takde sapa nak tolong sangat melainkan husband and closest friends, nak taknak kena buat sendiri semua kan? Cuma I think it depends on us la strategi apa nak guna untuk memudahkan kerja kita....
Instead, I sebenarnya rasa pelik kalau orang yang dah lepas 30 hari tapi masih tak boleh buat kerja rumah apa semua. I tak cakap I terer tau. Kalau u all baca my prev entries about my confinement, u all tau I pun serabut and kelam kabut time confinement. Tapi kita kena belajar jugak nak taknak. Tak boleh nak keep on blaming the situation. Once dah ada baby kecik, memang hidup berubah, masa takde...Tp bukan maksudnya mustahil utk buat apa yg kita nak... Kena kuat semangat sikit lah.
I teirngat masa I dalam pantang dulu my cousins in law datang visit and dorang kata dorang bajet masa masuk rumah I mesti ada bau orang bersalin and I duduk atas katil je. Sekali I rileks je macam tak bersalin... Hehe.. Ala, time tu dah week 3. Boleh la I berlagak terer sket. Hehe.. Lagipun memang dah boleh jalan and buat kerja... Kalau first week tu memang banyak duduk je lah.Hehe...
Apapun, like I said earlier, I bukan doktor and I tak expert bab ni. Ini cuma my sharing berdasarkan info yang I korek2 masa I berpantang dulu. Czer or normal, basic nya sama je. Yang beza maybe time of healing, cara menjada luke tu and few other small matters...Wallahua'lam...
Apapun, like I said earlier, I bukan doktor and I tak expert bab ni. Ini cuma my sharing berdasarkan info yang I korek2 masa I berpantang dulu. Czer or normal, basic nya sama je. Yang beza maybe time of healing, cara menjada luke tu and few other small matters...Wallahua'lam...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Another 4 months to go
Huarghhhh.... 4 hours of staying up ended up with only 2 paragraphs of my thesis writing? Oh how pathetic! Hehe... Well, if considering the journals reading and digestion of info, I think the result is fair enough (ayat cover la tue)
I guess my blog is not that active anymore. Not that I don't have anything to share. Honestly there are a lot of things I want to share with you. It's only the matter of time here. But if the average I take about 5-30 min to finish an entry (depending of length and idea), I think I should have no problem to have quite a frequent update here (Macamla ada orang nak baca sangat.Hehe). Anyhow.... Mood is also counted. Sorry. :D
Oh, I already have a facebook account! My hubby did it for me... Maybe he couldn't stand my whine of loneliness and dreariness, so he picked one way to make me happy. Haha... But I normally just take about 5-10 min for my facebook on9 at a time, and normally I'm on facebook for about 3 times per day. (3 diff times, each for about 5 to 10 min)... That is enough to have an update, return comments, and make a few chatting. Only if I want to upload photos, read some info and good articles from the scholars or have a long conversation with my closest friends, I would normally take longer time. Otherwise, I will just switch on the laptop and facebook/YM, but would not be on my desk. So sorry to those who had initiate a conversation with me but I didn't respond to it. I wasn't on my desk. Next time, inshaAllah.
Enough about me, lets talk about Aaron Houdd (at last huh, that's the whole purpose you guys would ever read this blog, right! To know about my boy... Not me. Hahaha)
Well, well, lets begin with his milestone...
He is now 20 months old and 2 weeks. At this point of time, he can pick up short and simple words for a conversation. He begins to mix and match a few words to make sentences. For instance, when we ask him where's the moon, rather than just pointing up or say 'up' he now would answer "up there" and facing up. When he wants me to take a ball for him, he would sometime say "Ummiyo, tik it ball" (Ummi, take the ball). He would have a pause before he pronounce something, perhaps to remember the words. Or sometimes, with full of confident, he just blurt out any obscure sound to pronounce the word. Say when I show him a cucumber, sometimes he'd guess it right. Other time he'd say "fwog" (frog), maybe because of its green colour, or otherwise he'd just say something like "potobow" (some kind of potato and cucmber) or "fed appol" (fried apple). Well, it actually depends on what is the last thing he'd seen/play with. Honestly, sometimes we can't understand what he's trying to say. So pandai2la cover, ask him to repeat several times with encouragement, than baru faham... Haha.
He memorizes 30% of ABC, 40 to 50% of 1 to 10 and 30-40% of Jawi. He knows Al-quran (he calls it qu' an) and he loves to imitate the way we read the Qu'ran... You know, like just mumbling with his own rhythm. (macam kalau kita baca qur'an kan biasa ada rhythm). But the huruf Kho is what he would always emphasize during the reciting. Funny but impressive!
Aaon Houdd is an active boy. He can approach anybody when he's in a good mood. He loves making friend. But biasalah kena monitor jugak sometimes the way he plays is quite aggressive. Boy kan...
And he is a polite boy in some way. Hehe. Other than saying thank you in a small voice, he now knows to say sorry, in a very small voice as well. I notice he would say "showwy" when he wants to pass by us, especially during his play (rolling the backpack, walking with big slippers on his feet, or racing his cars). It is like "excuse me". And kalau he accidently jatuhkan barang, he would say "Allah!" the way we adult say it. Haha
And he's a big helper, too. He often helps me with the laundry (though it would take a few times of loading and unloading the laundry), carrying the dirty laundry to pursue cleaning (he would sometimes hide any of his cloth that he doesn't want it to be cleaned, until I found it somewhere in the drawer or underneath the couch. I would ask first whether he wants the cloth to be cleaned, and when he says "don't want", he'll put it back to where he'd hidden it) Oh sometimes he 'helps' me to put all the cleaned clothes into his stroller and he strolls them everywhere until most of the clothes scatter around. Pheww...
He helps me with the cooking and sweeping too... But most of the time, everything will become messier and all I do the whole day is to clean up and find the hidden things he's been hiding when I'm not looking. Tiresome.... But it's good for his learning proses. And my learning proses as well. :P
Above all, he is my baby (that's what he says), a handsome one (according to him).....
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Eid Mubarak.
First time beraya di perantauan... Rasa biasa je, maybe sebab Raya Aidul adha kan, tak macam aidilfitri.Hehehe...
Tapi it was fun here, because we had a tight schedule from Friday sampai semalam. Alhamdulillah, dapat jumpa more new friends during the Eid celebration...
Apapun, lets just enjoy the photos... (Aaron tengah jalan2 dengan Daddy dia. So I better hurry kang tak sempat nak upload... Kita cerita lain waktu ye)
Tapi it was fun here, because we had a tight schedule from Friday sampai semalam. Alhamdulillah, dapat jumpa more new friends during the Eid celebration...
Apapun, lets just enjoy the photos... (Aaron tengah jalan2 dengan Daddy dia. So I better hurry kang tak sempat nak upload... Kita cerita lain waktu ye)
new friends |
We had our solat and jamuan here |
Then went to a fellow Kyrgyztan friends. The food're awesome and the family're great! |
The next day went to two more Malay Muslim friends that we'd just met during Eid solah. Tired
Went to Global Village. Many people say it's a must-go place. But I personally didn't really enjoy this. Maybe if you can play the games and have some rides you may like it. |
Overall, we had fun here during the Eid. Till then, see you soon!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Here comes my whine. Any opinion?
Did I ever tell you that I'd purchased a broadband? Hehehe... (I'm telling you now).
We decided to have a broadband instead of the hotel wi-fi coz apparently the cost is a huge different. (180dhs per month for broadband vs 700dhs per month for wi-fi. A 700dhs is definitely too much!).
But yeah, that doesn't mean I have a total and full access of the internet. and you know why don't you? OK. Good :P... So, with a little time that I have to this internet world, I think I've to come out with a good strategy. which is? Herm.... Well, I don't know yet. But at least for now, I'm gonna share something and at the same time, maybe asking for something in return. Such as... an opinion, a suggestion... from you. Can I? :P
OK first.... Setelah hampir 3 minggu di sini (I seriously lost count on the days), we kinda have quite a steady life here. Steady doesn't mean great. It just... steady. I'm not as stumble as before, not as lost as the first week we're here. But I still don't feel home here. My bad. Huhu
And now the pressure of not yet getting in plan is accelerating. I know that having a toddler in the house plus taking care of the chores shouldn't be an excuse for NOT keepin' up yourself with your work. But I just don't get the rhythm yet, and it is more depressing that way.
I've tried. But I know perhaps I haven't try my best...
First, it's a huge mistake to come here without his stroller. Oh, what have we'd been thinking? And that cost us a new stroller for him. (and tetibe terasa pelik bila Aaron ada dua stroller. We even made a joke utk cepat2 tambah adik untuk Aaron so that baru nampak tak pelik kalau ada 2 stroller. Haha. seriously, nak tambah anak just becoz of ada 2 stroller? crazy!) Anyway, the stroller is quite nice if you're planning to buy one, maybe you can consider this...you can click on the link.
Second, We'd bought a few toys for Aaron. But he can stick to one less than a week. Precisely, within 2 days only. Haha... It's not that he would totally abandon the toys but you know, when kids lost their interest in something, they just don't really bother anymore.
Third, I did try to do my thesis writing. But the most I can achieve is just about 3-4 complete sentences per day. And so far there were no new sentences. Just some corrections to the existing sentences. Urghhh.... The thing is, in writing we do need some flow. We need moments. You know, like you have to be in mood, so that you can really come out with good ideas. And you need to maintain the flow. Mood mesti di cari, I know. And we can't just say kita tak buat sesuatu sebab takde mood. That's a lame excuse, I know. But you see, in writing, we need flow, we need rhythm. Macam mana nak menulis kalau baru 5-10 minit baca article, baru nak digest the info and baru nak karang ayat, suddenly you have to stop. And when you come back later on, nak dapatkan balik moment yang hilang tu... Sometimes you have to start all over again. And scientific writing is not like blog writing (where I can simply ignore mistakes) Hehe...
Oh, even on something as simple as blogging, I took quite a long time to finish. Like for this entry, I paused 3 times, just to have Aaron back to sleep. (It's past midnight now. So imagine this during daytime when he is soooooo alive)... FYI, Aaron still bangun beberapa kali waktu malam untuk breastfeed. Macam baby.
Forth, I am sometimes losing the strength to provide quality time for my boy. The truth is, sometimes we just lie on bed, watching tv by him latching on me- for quite a long time. That's not what I really want. But sometimes that's the easiest for both of us. Sometimes I just too tired to play with him or to bring him outdoor. I'm tired for nothing... I'm just too tired for those. I am not a cool mother, you know. I can't stand tantrums (he rarely have tantrum, Alhamdulillah). I can't take too much clinging (yes, he does this most of the time). He is a manja kid by nature. And maybe I just not that cool as a mother. Maybe I put myself into a lot of pressure, that is why I end up with less patience.
But after all, he's a really good kid. He is anak soleh. When I'm too tired of his antics, sometimes I just nag as if he could understand me. And when I ask him to say sorry, he'll quickly say "Showwy Ummi"... When he beat me with spoon (ouch, really hurt) or slop his meal over the floor instead of eating it, and when he knows he's caught red-handed, he'll come to me and hug me or kiss me or do whatever that he knows might gonna melt my heart. And my heart melts... Urhhh..... cepat cair la Ummi Aaron ni.... He's a good smart boy huh?
Anyway, I'm sorry if this entry appears to be some kind of a holler. I read about some tips on how to work at home with a kid around. Most people say you need discipline and routine. I totally agree with that. But than, I think I need to work on something else first. Or maybe I need something more specific...Life in here nowadays is quite different from back than. And I have dateline... Dateline... Dateline...
My situation is, I can't simply distract my child with toys. It just doesn't really work that way. And he'll ask me to come along with him wherever he goes, even to the living room, even to 10 steps ahead. And he wants laptop every time I on it. OK, let say the only time I have is when he is sleeping. But that only takes like an hour, and within that time, I've to do a lot other things too. So far, the only solution I have is to stay up at night. I did that twice, but than the next day, I passed out. Hehe... I became less cooler than I already was. Tak larat nak catch up! :P
So, if you have any experience, advice, or anything you can share..... you are most welcome!
He's a good boy. He just loves his Ummi more than anything else in his world....
(And I love you too boy.)
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