Semalam rasa macam penat sangat. Tak tau lah kenapa. Maybe sebab hipoglisemic, lepastu pulak guna banyak tenaga sepanjang hari... Balik rumah terus kena take care of Aaron. Disebabkan masa I keluar rumah dia tengah tidur, so masa I balik tu dia punya manja bukan main lagi. Nak dukung, nak ikut kemana I pergi. Maybe sebab takut kena tinggal dalam keadaan tak sedar...
My maghrib prayer pun dah dekat pukul 8. Aaron was very energetic he didn’t seem to fall asleep in the mean time. I pulak mengantuk yang amat...
The daddy was back at around 8.45 kot. I was a bit relief bila my hubby balik sebab I rasa ringan sikit. Boleh la minta tolong dia jenguk2kan Aaron while I was doing the chores. Tapi I tak sampai hati jugak nak minta tolong dia banyak sebab dia mesti lagi kepenatan dari I....
At around 9.00, I minta tolong my hubby untuk suapkan Aaron makan balance porridge dia. He ate the porridge. Tapi sempat makan 1-2 sudu je... Sebab?
Masa my hubby feed Aaron, Aaron tengah sibuk main pintu. Dia main peek-a-boo dengan the daddy. I pulak baru nak lelap mata sekejap I minta my hubby untuk kejut I around 5 minutes later... Tapi mata pun tak sempat nak tutup, I dengar bunyi Aaron tutup pintu. And you know what, it was locked!
I terus bangun and as I rememberd, the first thing I did was asking my hubby how did that happen, with half blaming tone. I tak berniat... Tapi in my thought that second was selamani I jaga Aaron tak pernah cuai macamni, macam ne dia tolong jaga sekejapppppp je pun boleh jadi macam ni.
Aaron masatu apa lagi, menangis meraung... Dengar suara dia menangis tu rasa macam luluh gila hati. All the spare keys and room keys ada dalam bilik solat/library yang Aaron terkunci tu. Aaron ketuk2 pintu dari dalam and panggil Daddy, Ummi banyak kali.... Ya Allah, terbayang apalah agaknya perasaan Aaron ketika tu...
My hubby pulak, he’s a banker kan.... bukanlah reti sangat kerja2 nak bukak tombol pintu macam James Bond buat. But at least he tried many times with different approaches. Me? Apart from blaming my hubby, I cuma duduk kat tepi pintu tu je. Kejap I menangis, kejap I panggil2 Aaron... But actually I was trying hard to eradicate the blaming part sebab I tau my hubby tak salah langsung. Dia memang tak sempat nak tahan pintu tu and before that dia tak perasan yang Aaron ada tolak pintu tu kuat sampai kena dinding, menyebabkan tombol terkunci sendiri... so, yes, I was calming myself actually... more than I calm Aaron.
Tangisan Aaron kejap lemah, kejap kuat balik. My hubby tak boleh nak just kick the door sebab Aaron ada betul2 kat belakang pintu. Momentum kuat sangat nanti confirm Aaron cedera. So, patiently, calmly, he tried to kopak tombol pintu tu menggunakan screw driver. Oh ye, selain semua kunci ada dalam bilik tu, my hubby’s toolbox pun ada kat dalam bilik tu jugak. So hammer, torch light, and apa sahaja lah alat yang diperlukan untuk memudahkan kerja terkunci bersama Aaron Houdd...
After 20 minutes of trying, akhirnya tombol pintu tu kerkopak jugak. Cepat2 my hubby buat apa ntah bagi unlock the door. Bukak je pintu Aaron dah lemah sangat, menangis tak berhenti kan.... Terus my hubby dukung dia and peluk dia. All Aaron said was “Ummi, Ummi”... I was so sad...
Alhamdulillah everything selamat. Aaron pun lepas 2-3 minit dah OK balik. Dah gelak2 macam biasa... Tapi I takkan lupe peristiwa 20 minit ni, maybe selama 20 tahun akan datang, or mungkin untuk selama-lamanya...
Biasanya kalau anything bad happen toward our child, we tend to point finger to each other. We least support each other even as we know exactly that we need each other damn much. We become weaker because we drown ourselves in negative thoughts and conflicts. Quite the reverse, it gives us no good. It doesn’t solve the problem. It alternatively invites another problem that would make the situation more complicated.
Morale 1: Make sure you child-proof your house especially if you want to let your child play alone
Morale 2: Do not panic if situation like this happen. Coz panic invites irrationality and creates only blunt end solutions
Morale 3: Do not blame your spouse coz it brings no good at all. The first thing should be countered is to find for a solution, not to find the culprit. Sometimes, it’s nobody fault.
hasil usaha Daddy... |
Oh, disebabkan kejadian ni berlaku semalam (22/6), pada usia Aaron genap 16 bulan, I'll update milestone Aaron later on....