Saturday, July 16, 2011

Salam Dari Tanah Tinggi Cameron

Date: 17/7 (Ipoh) - 18-19/7 (Cameron Highland)
First time Aaron pergi Cameron. So, OK la kita upload sikit gambar ek buat kenangan. The last time I went there pun masa I preggy Aaron dalam 2-3 weeks mcmtu tp tak tau time tu preggy. Hehe...

Hero of the story

We arrived BOH factory at 5.00pm, and it was on Monday! Perhhh...
Will be off to Brunei any time soon and terpaksa tinggalkan Aaron for
4 days.... Huhu... How sad.


  1. wei g! date tu betol ka? x ke dah terkedepan cikit? ;p

    p/s: g, padam link akak kat blog g yg 1 lg(your latest post)....xmoooooooooooooooooou!!!!!!

  2. aaron handsome :)

    gi brunei watpe kak??

  3. Ashikin: betol la kak. anuar keje hari Ahad-Selasa sebenanya. OK la nnt kite padam...hehe...

    Iman, Yatt & Shye: Mentara masih dapat jalan2 sama. hihi, bukan slalu... pegi brunei honeymoon.Hehe

  4. terima kasih!!! ^_^

    owh, tarikh betul ek, akak la yg xpaham ^___^


Peace Be Upon You (",)

Peace Be Upon You (",)

Tribute to all mothers in the world!