You can read part 1 here and part 2 here
I went back to Malaysia twice to settle my thesis and study. The
first time was just after a few months in Oman, as soon as I finish my drafts for 2 chapters. I didn't take long Alhamdulillah after the hard head start. No choice
but to go back to Malaysia to make discussions easier. I then decided to stay
until I complete thesis submission.
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Only hubby and me. One more ticket for mom tapi dia asthma time ni. We sengaja tak allow sesiapa family member nak datang kalau takat tunggu2 luar sebab nak cepat. haha. Macam tanak konvo je kan. |
Sounds nice, but
of course the kids followed me. So basically I had to face the exact same
thing i.e. a single mom, student, and a thousands miles away wife! But family members were always there to help. I can't thank them enough, really.
I submitted my whole thesis after 2-3 drafts for each chapters. Each one with different corrections
from both supervisors. The most challenging part in this phase was always to find agreement between all parties. Hahaha. But that's one life lesson worth to
For all that I'd
been through, I thought my thesis would end up as a piece of crap. How can I
produce a Scientific
Thesis with a quality
like this? I can't imagine how screwed I'd be when my supervisors and
all the examiners read my work.
But Alhamdulillah,
I passed with only minor corrections! the correction that I took about less
than 3 weeks to amend.
So now, is the
article publication part. UM has the requirement where a Master student must
publish at least one article to ISI-listed journals only. And based on my
labwork grant, I have to submit to either Q1 or Q2 listed jounals only. For
those who's not familiar, scientific journals are divided between Quartile 1
until 4 based on its ranks and Impact Factors, with Q1 being the highest grade (I'm not sure other fields but
this applies to most Science and science-related field).
So although I had
already submitted my thesis and the internal and external examiners had let me
pass, I can't straight away graduate until I have a publication.
As stated in the
regulation, I can't even get my thesis for correction before I send proof of
paper acceptance. Since I took almost a year to get ONE publication (Hahaha too
bad, not a bombastic research), my thesis was put on hold for that entire time. That's when I multitask ehem.. for another ehem... baby- Eve Hawwa! (^_^)
My supervisor's
strategy was to target the Q1 journal first. 3 attempts and all failed, I
begged to her to downgrade to Q2 to make my life less like hell. Haha. I
promised her to look for a decent Impact Factor (IF) although it's a Q2
(politics mannn, haha. and It worked!). Alhamdulillah, the 4th attempt of paper submission,
which was my 1st attempt of Q2 journal was successful. Not so bad huh. Not bad at
Oh butttt... you
have to wait for sometimes to get a reply (depending on the journal's prerequisite). It can
take up to a month and can even reach half a year or more just for a journal's
So, I learnt the
hard way. After the 2nd failure, I didn't just opt for journals that have good
IF, but also how long it'd take to process your submission. Average waiting was
2-3 months for each trial, regardless of the result;
accepted or rejected! From my experience, only one of them managed to reply
within a month and half. So altogether, almost a year of just waiting for paper and nothing else.
So for whoever had asked me why I still didn't graduate while I already did nothing (neither do the labwork nor writing my thesis, this is why)
So for whoever had asked me why I still didn't graduate while I already did nothing (neither do the labwork nor writing my thesis, this is why)
Another tips for Science student: Always try to submit your paper once you got your result
That's why there's
no last minute work dude!
You got your
result, do discussion ASAP and you can try to submit a paper. You'd never know
how long you'd take to get it accepted.
Mine, I got my
paper accepted a week or two before I delivered Hawwa! It felt like I
got two babies at once. Haha!
I emailed my sv
asking permission to hold it until I deliver. UM gave 3 months for final
correction and since my correction was just minor she didn't worry much.
I flew to Malaysia
when baby was around 40 days old. Again I brought my off-spring to be my companion
in my jihad, but this time only one- the latest bundle of joy. The other two
were left with dear husband. I knew the fact that I can't take a lot of time because
husband can't take long leave. I made a dateline to make it maximum 3 weeks,
and Alhamdulillah, after sleepless nights and days, we made it within 2 weeks’
time. But I had to wait again till end of the year to graduate (the ceremony). I
don't care at all. You know, after all that you've been through, getting things
done is the biggest relief.
What a sum up! Haha. ZzzZzzzzz.
So again, is it
possible to study (especially the fields that require research and labworks) and being a mommy?
Of course! But please dedicate your time for your study, like what I said in Part 1.
And it doesn't
have to take so long like my case. A lot of people (moms) out there have
succeeded within the anticipated years.
Everything we do
has its own challenges. To be realistic, yes it's difficult. It takes a lot of
courage and determination to do it.
But again, it is
not impossible if you want it.
It is my destiny
to have this path, to be tested stage by stage, from cutting scholarship before the agreeable due time, changing of research methodology after a year of research and
labworks hence the wasted data, long distant relationship with husband, to having health issues. If my life was so easy, maybe I'd not be who
I am right now. I may not appreciate hardships, I may not treasure 'Ilm
(knowledge) as much as I do now. Indeed, Allah knows best.
I can't thank
enough to the people who have helped me throughout the journey. They were
indeed the reason I succeed, of course by the wills of Allah.
And I can't deny I
had relinquished a lot of my parenting responsibilities along the time I'd taken to finish my study. That's why, in this particular event, Aaron is so special
in my heart because he had sacrificed a lot for me. And now that I am a full time Rabbatul Bait, I am so happy to spend my whole time with my family. No regret, in fact, truly blessed! Alhamdulillah.
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